The last part of the project is finishing up the final report. You have to gather all of the paperwork and documentation, receipts. Write a final narrative that deals with changes The Project Description Narrative helped me realize all of the design iterations we went through. The initial design based on Odin’s Eye was an early discard. The models (paper dolls) helped at the beginning. The first problem was getting a feel for the scale. The second problem was the extreme difficulty of making small changes with out the model falling apart. After research, I found a program called SketchUp. It has a bit of a learning curve, but was still better than the models. It allows you to change the size and shape of the various components relatively easily. Being a 3D CAD program, it allowed you to view the sculpture from any perspective I wanted.
This project was supported by the North Carolina Arts Council, a division of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.